On 17-19 December 2019, Contromatic Prima Mandiri conducted a Sales Annual Meeting for the Oil & Gas and Power Mining Sector at the Mercure PIK Hotel, the event was an annual event that routinely held. The objectives of the annual sales meeting are as follows :
This annual meeting is the opportunity for each sales to benefit from the collective experience, knowledge, and talents of his co-workers. Brainstorming sessions on how to break through with difficult prospects or how to solve a complicated customer situation can be very beneficial to the individual representatives and the entire team. Brainstorming sessions in these meetings can help to develop effective sales methods that can be applied in many different situations.
Market Changes
Each sales on our team experience the marketplace in a different way. The representatives that work with smaller revenue clients will see economic changes that may not have been experienced by representatives who have larger accounts. This annual meeting is the chance for the team to get a comprehensive picture of the marketplace and formulate tactics designed to address pending economic and consumer changes.
Product Updates
A proactive sales department stays up to date on anticipated product releases and works together to develop methods for promoting and selling new products. Product engineers that invited to this meeting need to demonstrate new products and help the sales team to understand how to present new products to the company’s client base.
One of the purposes of this meeting is to have the manager recognize the significant accomplishments of individual sales. It keeps the sales team updated on big account wins, and allows sales associates gratification for their hard work.