Swissfluid – Pneumatic Linear Stroke Actuator SPA-L

Swissfluid – Pneumatic Linear Stroke Actuator SPA-L

Pneumatic Linear Stroke Actuator SPA-L

Compact Pneumatic Linear Stroke Actuators for safe, reliable automation of diaphragm and inline sampling valves. Suitable for installation in most demanding surroundings thanks to corrosion resistant plastic housing.

Main features

• Rugged corrosion resistant PP housing
• For dry or lubricated, filtered air
• Compact design, directly mounted onto Swissfluid  diaphragm valves and inline sampling valves
• Monitoring connection on stainless steel bracket
• Easy mounting of control devices
• Visual position indicator
• Pre-compressed spring cartridges for safe  dismantling

Technical Data

Version Double acting DA Single acting FC/FO
Air supply filtered air (neutral, not aggressive gas up to 40°C)
Pressure 4 bar – max. 5 bar for DA / FO version

4 bar – max. 7 bar for FC version

Auxiliary connection NAMUR VDI/VDE 3845 (partly with adapter plate)
Actuating power 1770 N up to 27570 N (at 5 bar)
Temperature -10°C up to +80°C



Accessories Solenoid valves, limit switches, P/P and I/P positioners, stroke limiter (min./max.), manual override, mufflers, throttling valves
Body Steel, two-component epoxy coated (Bonnet Type)
Actuating power 1500 N up to 79’000 N (for 6 bar)
Temperature -40°C up to +80°C

